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Sexual minorities

Sexual minorities

Ondertiteldiscrimination, challenges, and development in America
MakerSullivan, Michael J. > (ed.)
MedewerkerColumbus, Susan
Uitgave plaatsBinghamton
UitgeverHarrington Park Press
Uitgave jaar2003
VindplaatsB4578 - B
SamenvattingFocus on the effects of outside influences on the homosexual psyche and programs and services to improve the quality of life. The authors describe how contemporary American society treats sexual minorities and how it affects their psychological and psychosocial health. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of the GLBT population, including: the history of homophobia and intolerance toward homosexuals: a survey utilizing Erikson’s psychosocial model to determine the lifespan development of seven 'out' gay males who discuss their coming-out period, their roles in society, their legacies, and later-life issues: the lack of federal legislation protecting GLBT employees in the workplace and recommendations for creating a sense of security for these employees: the incidence rate of heterosexism amongst social workers and the repercussions this could have among homosexual clientele: the rate of abusive behavior in lesbian relationships: coming out, risk and protective factors: being homosexual in a rural environment as opposed to a city. This monograph has been co-published simultaneously as Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, volume 8, numbers 2/3, 2003.

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