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string(23) "Copyright not evaluated"
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  string(23) "Copyright not evaluated"
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An officer and a lady

Ondertitelthe world war II letters of Lt. Col. Betty Bandel, women's army corps
MakerBugbee, Sylvia J. > (ed.)
MedewerkerFenner, Lorry M.
Uitgave plaatsHanover
UitgeverUniversity Press of New England
Uitgave jaar2004
PaginatieXXIV, 222p.
VindplaatsB5814 - B
SamenvattingFrom 1942 to 1945, Lieutenant Colonel Betty Bandel served in the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC, later WAC, the Women’s Army Corps), eventually heading the WAC Division of the Army Air Force. During these years she wrote hundreds of letters to family and friends tracing her growth from an enthusiastic recruit, agog in the presence of public figures such as Eleanor Roosevelt (code named Rover), to a seasoned officer and leader Perhaps for the first time, women oversaw and directed hundreds of thousands of personnel, acquired professional and personal experiences, and built networks that would guide and influence them well past their war years.

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