test10Copyright not evaluated
string(23) "Copyright not evaluated"
array(4) {
  string(23) "Copyright not evaluated"
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From scarcity to visibility

From scarcity to visibility

Ondertitelgender differences in the careers of doctoral scientists and engineers
MakerLong, J. Scott > (ed.)
Uitgave plaatsWashington
UitgeverNational Academy Press
Uitgave jaar2001
PaginatieXXVII, 311p.
VindplaatsB2673 - B
SamenvattingThis book describes trends in the number of male and female Ph. D.'s in science and engineering, considers the labor force participation of those with Ph.D.s, focuses on gender differences in sector of employment and work activity, examines salaries across all sectors and shows the degree to which differences in salary can be explained by differences in work activity. It concludes by discussing the effects of cumulative disadvantage and the way in which 'successive filtering' affects the careers of women in science and engineering in the United States.

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