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The future of women at work

Ondertiteltransitions in the age of automation
MakerBush, Janet > (ed.)
Madgavkar, Anu
Manyika, James
[et al.]
MedewerkerBalakrishnan, Sruti
Uitgave plaats[S.l.]
UitgeverMckinsey Global Institute
Uitgave jaar2019
Illustratietab. : fig. : photos
UitleenstatusNot Loanable/Niet uitleenbaar
SamenvattingThe report focuses on the effects of automation and artificial intelligence technologies on women in the .workforce. The authors modeled scenarios for the future of work for women and men and drew out .differences in patterns of impact in the period to 2030 in ten countries: China, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, South Africa. United Kingdom and United States. The sector case studies imply healthcare, education and finance. This research complements research on the “power of parity”, that has explored trends in gender inequality in work and society around the world and suggestions for improvement.
Externe linkhttps://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Featured%20Insights/Gender%20Equality/The%20future%20of%20women%20at%20work%20Transitions%20in%20the%20age%20of%20automation/MGI-The-future-of-women-at-work-Report-July-2019.ashx

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