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Harnessing the power of data for gender equality

Harnessing the power of data for gender equality

Ondertitelintroducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index
CoöperatieEqual Measures 2030
Uitgave plaatsSurrey
UitgeverEqual Measures 2030
Uitgave jaar2019
Illustratiephotos : fig.
UitleenstatusNot Loanable/Niet uitleenbaar
SamenvattingPresentation of the 2019 Equal Measures 2030 SDG Gender Index, a tool available to explore the state of gender equality across129 countries. The Gender Index includes 51 indicators across 14 of the 17 official Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The indicators are both gender-specific and gender-nonspecific, which have a disproportionate effect on girls and women. The results of the index show that, with just .11 years to go until 2030, nearly 40 percent of the world’s girls and women – 1.4 billion – live in countries .failing on gender equality. Overall the index finds that the world is furthest behind on gender equality issues related to public finance and better gender data (SDG 17), climate change (SDG 13), gender equality in industry and innovation (SDG 9), and the standalone gender equality goal (SDG 5).

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