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string(23) "Copyright not evaluated"
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  string(23) "Copyright not evaluated"
  string(0) ""
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  string(1) "1"
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Sistah vegan

Ondertitelblack female vegans speak on food, identity, health, and society
MakerBreeze Harper, A. > (ed.)
Medewerker[et al.]
Uitgave plaatsNew York
UitgeverLantern Books
Uitgave jaar2010
PaginatieXIX, 209p.
VindplaatsVS 4 2010 - B
SamenvattingThis book is a series of narratives, critical essays, poems, and reflections from a diverse community of North American black-identified vegans. Collectively, these activists are de-colonizing their bodies and minds via whole-foods veganism. By kicking junk-food habits, the more than thirty contributors all show the way toward longer, stronger, and healthier lives. Suffering from type-2 diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, and overweight need not be the way women of color are doomed to be victimized and live out their mature lives. There are healthy alternatives.

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