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string(23) "Copyright not evaluated"
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Sexual warfare

OndertitelAlexis Hunter
MakerHoare, Natasha > Hoare, Natascha (ed.)
McCrory, Sarah > McCrory, Sarah (forew.)
MedewerkerGreenan, Althea
Tobin, Amy
Uitgave plaats[London]
UitgeverGoldsmiths Press
Uitgave jaar2018
Paginatie90 p.
VindplaatsGR BR 73 2018
SamenvattingPublished on the occasion of the exhibition 'Sexual Warfare; Alexis Hunter', a solo presentation of key work of New Zealand and London-based photographer and painter Alexis Hunter (1948-2014) made between 1968 and 1986, at Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA), London, United Kingdom, 23 November 2018 - 3 February 2019, curated by Sarah McCrory, with Natasha Hoare. The publication features a selection of works in which Hunter confronted sexism, misogyny, rape, and the male gaze and objectification of women by subjecting men to the same sexualized gaze; an essay on fear, feminism and art; and an essay on feminist archives like the Women's Art Library (WAL) and the Alexis Hunter Archive.

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