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Collecting and exhibiting women’s graphic design in the Netherlands

Collecting and exhibiting women’s graphic design in the Netherlands

Ondertitelthe representation of Dutch female graphic designers from the period 1880-1940 in the collection and exhibitions at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and MOTI Breda
MakerSteegstra. Elbrich
Uitgave plaatsAmsterdam
UitgeverVrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Uitgave jaar2013
UitleenstatusNot Loanable/Niet uitleenbaar
SamenvattingThe aim of this study is to examine and acquire an overview of the criticism on the canon and to determine .if this criticism influenced the representation of female Dutch graphic designers in museums. The focus is on how .Dutch female graphic designers from the period 1880-1940 have been represented in museums, both in the collection and exhibitions since the 1970s. .This research will be limited to the representation of Dutch female graphic designers in museums in the Netherlands.'

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