string(28) "Non-commercial use permitted"
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State of the world fathers 2019

State of the world fathers 2019

Ondertitelunlocking the power of men’s care
MakerGaag, Nikki van der
Heilman, Brian
Gupta, Taveeshi
[et al.]
Yousafzai, Ziauddin > (forew.)
MedewerkerSmit, Ilze
ReeksState of the world fathers
Uitgave jaar2019
Paginatie112 p.
UitleenstatusNot Loanable/Niet uitleenbaar
SamenvattingThe third report 'State of the world's fathers' focuses on fathers to achieve gender equality in unpaid care work around the world. With a call for action 'The MenCare Commitment': to reach 50 percent of the unpaid care work, men would need to increase their time spent by a minimum of 50 minutes a day. Changes are proposed across five areas: in laws and policies, in social and gender norms, in economic and political security for marginalized families, training for couples and co-parents, and encouraging and supporting individual men themselves.

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