string(28) "Non-commercial use permitted"
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New actors, new money, new conversations

New actors, new money, new conversations

Ondertitela mapping of recent initiatives for women and girls
MakerMiller, Julia
Arutyunova, Angelika
Clark, Cindy
UitgeverAWID (Association for Women's rights In Development)
Uitgave jaar2013
UitleenstatusNot Loanable/Niet uitleenbaar
Samenvatting'The purpose of this report is to contribute to filling a gap, particularly among women’s rights organizations, in understanding the current landscape of the corporate sector and other actors ‘new’ to supporting women and girls, and the role they are playing in shaping related funding discourse and practice. This report is not an exhaustive account of these actors’ involvement in development funding, but it unpacks some of the most visible trends impacting women and girls – the ‘tip of the iceberg’ as it were – and offers important considerations for women’s rights organizations interested in influencing and engaging with these trends.''

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