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Papers Emilia Coops-Broese van Groenou 1909-1953

Identity Area

Collection IDIIAV00000044
Language of MaterialEnglish/Engels
Processing InformationInventory made by Annemarie Kloosterman in 1993
English version made by Annette Mevis in 2013
Digitized in 2014.
Access and UseAccessible/Vrij
Access NoteTo be consulted only digitally
Preferred CitationPapers Emilia Coops-Broese van Groenou , …, Collection International Archives for the Women's Movement (IAV), in Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History
Extent of archives (m)0.02

Biographical Note / Biografie

Born on 28 August 1876 in Breda, died on 18 March 1966 in The Hague; forename Miel; sister of Mien van Wulfften Palthe-Broese van Groenou; got a teachers degree; studied song at the Koninklijke Muziekschool (Conservatorium) in The Hague, later in Rome, Milaan and Berlin, but she never performed; married in 1909 Johan W.G. Coops and they got three daughters; was interested in the theories of Maria Montessori and founded in 1914 the first Montessori class in The Netherlands in the garden room in her parents villa; from 1908 a member of the Dutch Association of Women's Suffrage (Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht, VVK), in 1909 board member of VVK, The Hague branch; secretary of the Dutch National Association of Women's Labor (Nationale Vereniging voor Vrouwenarbeid) 1911-1921; member of the Women's International League of Peace and Freedom, the Netherlands (Internationale Vrouwenbond voor Vrede en Vrijheid (IVVV) Nederlandsche Afdeling).

Scope and Content

Received letters 1909-1932, 1937, among others from Rosika Schwimmer [1913] 1930-1931, Lida Gustava Heymann and Anita Augspurg 1930-1932; photocopies of letters 1913-1919, 1940, from among others C.S. Groot 1913.