Search tips

Searching in the Collection of Atria, IIAV

The search box enables a user to search for words or phrases that can be found in any part of the metadata including within documents that have been scanned with OCR.The search box can have different looks and feels depending on the theme that has been selected.
search box Atria - Limb Gallery
Search can be done using a simple search box or an advanced search page.

Simple Search

Simple search allows to search in the following items:
• Document metadata
• Document full text
• Document bookmarks
• Annotations
• Website pages, blogs, articles, exhibitions

Just enter a term in the Search Box. All records that contain the corresponding term will be displayed. The search engine is indifferent to lowercase/ uppercase. As a search term is inputted, the system will show a list of suggested search terms. If a search has a spelling error, many times a “did you mean” will appear in place of any results.


Truncation: the asterisk replaces one or more characters (Rom* for "Rome" or Roma* for"Romans”, “Romaine"). The asterix can be placed at the beginning or the end of the word.


Stemming: searches include results based on stemming or words created from the same base root of the word like “cat” can also display “catlike” or “catty” or even “kittens”.


The input field for the search allows you to perform Boolean searches by combining several terms with operators. The terms can be combined with the traditional operators "AND", "OR" and "NOT".

For exact phrases, use quotation marks. Examples:
Venice call all records containing the word venice (with lowercase) or Venice (with capital letter);
venice jenson calls all records containing at least one of the two terms;
venice AND jenson calls the only records containing both the word venice and the word jenson;
venice NOT jenson calls all records containing the word venice except for those that also contain the word jenson;
*red* calls all records containing at least one word with red (Sophie Redmond, Frederike van Uildriks...);
"The City of the Ladies" calls records containing exactly this string of characters (title);
"Inc 10" calls records containing exactly this character string (dimension).


You can also use the thesaurus for searching themes or subject.


For questions or assistence with your search, you can contact the information desk:

Photo credits: Susan Yin