Loan requests

Usually, not all kinds of archival material, images, and other material are loanable. However, in some cases this material can be borrowed for exhibitions.

Under certain conditions and after careful consideration from our staff, it is possible to loan the unique items from the Atria collection for museums.
Transport and any packing costs and insurance are the responsability of the applicant.

For an exhibition in cultural and public institutions, high resolution scans of the originals are available on request and at certains costs. You can request a scan by filling out the form that is attached to the collection item.

For loan requests or any interest in the possibilities, please fill out the form below:

Name of your location:

Name exhibition:

Name applicant or applying institution:

Contact person:

E-mail adress:

Phone number:

Time period loan request:
From to

For which material would you like to request a loan?

Please provide the permalink(s) of collection items that you would like to loan:

Atria exclusively uses your data to process this request. Data will not be stored anywhere. By sending in this form, you comply with the privacy- en cookie policy from Atria.

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