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Bombing the patriarchy or just trying to get a cab: challenges facing the next generation of feminist activists

CreatorMaddison, Sarah
Magazine TitleOutskirts: feminisms along the edge
Magazine Year2002
Magazine Monthnov/dec
DescriptionIn June 2002 Australia celebrated the centenary of white women's suffrage. The transformation in women's status in this country, as in most of the western world, has been hard fought for, and won only through the struggles of feminists over several generations. However, there is still much that needs to change for Australian women to achieve the kinds of equality that they have hoped and worked for. Of concern to many feminists and other women is the question of who will fight these remaining battles. Many believe that there is no 'next generation' of Australian feminists and that the women's movement has lost its impetus and influence. This article offers an acknowledgement of the presence of young women in the Australian women's movement and provides some discussion of the old and new challenges that they face. In conclusion, Maddisson argues that older feminists could be working more effectively to provide these young women with much needed support.
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