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Lesbian parenting

Subtitleliving with pride and prejudice
CreatorArnup, Katherine > (ed.)
ContributorAndrews, Karen
Publish PlaceCharlotte Town
PublisherGynergy Books
Publish Year1995
VS 3 1995 - B
DescriptionIn deze bundel komen veel aspecten van het lesbisch moederschap aan de orde: procedures om zwanger te worden, wettelijke en maatschappelijke erkenning, identiteit, de opvoeding van de kinderen, de rol van het feminisme in het leven van lesbische moeders. De bundel bevat de volgende bijdragen: Dykes, donors and dry ice : alternative insemination / door Jane Bernstein en Laura Stephenson: Biddy and Libby in Minusland : adventures in reproductive technology / door Debra Shogan en Gloria Filax: Having a baby? / door Mary-Woo Sims: Another kind of baby story / door Yvette Perreault: Adopting Sami / door Amy Gottlieb: Adopting new lives / door Jan Radford: Apparently a parent / door Antoinette Reed: Legal aliens : an alternative family / door Jane Routhwaite en Kathleen Wynne: A good mother / door Karen Williams: The other mother / door Perry Adams: On being a family / door Janice Czyscon: A 'blended' family / door Bryn Sheridan en Katherine Stuart: The 'second mother' / door Louise Fleming: Protecting our lesbian family / door Sibyl Frei: Still family after all these years / door Kate Walker en Jessica Walker: Directions for research about lesbian families / door Miriam Kaufman en Susan Dundas: Lesbian/motherhood / door Christina Starr: Gender, sexuality and the schoolyard / door Elise Chenier: Do I have a dad? / door Laura Barry: No easy answers / door Christina Mills: Boys and us / door Cathy King: Challenging complacency with my sons / door Heidi Rankin: Girls like me (or not) / door J.A. Hamilton: 'Out' in the community / door Tanya Gulliver: Homophobia in schools / door Hannah McLaughlin: Another view of lesbians choosing children / door Angela Bowen: Coming out x three / door Shirley Limbert: 'Guranma' / door K.S.M.: Non-existent and struggling for identity / door Vicky D'Aoust: On being a single lesbian mother in South Africa / door Vanessa-Lynn Neophytou: Lover and mother / door Dorsie Hathaway: Confronting the 'I' in the eye : black mother, black daughters / door Makeda Silvera: A mother-daughter conversation : Alix Dobkin and Adrian Hood / Toni Armstrong jr.: Living as a lesbian mom / door Colleen Glass: Growing up with a lesbian mom / door Oona Hayes: Bill 167 and full human rights / door Susan Ursel: Money money money / door Levi en Et Alia: Ancient affections : gays, lesbians and family status / door Karen Andrews: Living in the margins : lesbian families and the law / Katherine Arnup.
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