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Constructions and confrontations

Subtitlechanging respresentations of women and feminisms, east and west : selected essays
CreatorBacchilega, Cristina > (ed.)
Moore, Cornelia N. > (ed.)
ContributorSinavaiana, Caroline
SeriesLiterary studies East and West 12
Publish PlaceHonolulu
PublisherCollege of Languages, Linguistics and Literature University of Hawai'i
PublisherEast-West Center
Publish Year1996
WER 22 1996 - B
DescriptionIn deze bundel aandacht voor de veranderende voorstelling van vrouwen en feminisme in zowel de Oosterse als Westerse cultuur. Verschillende vormen van vrouwenbeweging in Azië en Latijns Amerika: vrouwbeelden in romans, sprookjes en verhalen: vrouwbeelden in populaire cultuur: theater en performance komen aan de orde. De volgende bijdragen zijn opgenomen: Introduction of women's studies in the university curricula in India / door Shivani Banerjee Chakravorty: Feminist movements in China / door Carol C. Fan: Constructing the guardian mothers: a note on the representation of women in Indonesia's new order / door Hediana Utarti-Miller: 'Postmodern' colonialisms and the emancipatory challenge of 'I, Rigoberta Menchú': an Indian woman in Guatemala / door Lisette Boily: Poems / door Haunani-Kay Trask: The empire writes back: Bharati Mukherjee's 'Jasmine' as post-colonial feminist text: Reinventing the authorial/ethnic space: communal narratives in Agnes Rossi's 'Split skirt' / door Edvige Giunta: Salman Rushdie's 'The satanic verses' as a feminist novel / door Kathy J. Philips: Confronting Ovid: Christine de Pizan's re-representation of women / door Judith L. Kellogg: Out from Quing boudoirs: songs by a merchant-class lesbian and a hypergynous Manchu: A consummation devourly to be wished: representations of anorexia in Angela Carter's 'The lady of the house of love' / door Linda C. Middleton: Poems / by Nell Altizer: Sexual politics and sexual poetics in Kurahashi Yumiko's 'Cruel fairy tales for adults' / door Faye Yuan Kleeman: Fleur Pillager: feminine, mythic, and natural representations in Louise Erdrich's 'Tracks' / door Patricia Angley: Acculturation beyond recognition: Lin Shu's treatment of women characters in his translation of David Copperfield / door Yu Zhang: Foreign exotic or domestic drudge? The African-American woman in 'Quicksand' and 'Tar Baby' / door Ann Rayson: Autobiographizing fiction? fictionalizing autobiography?: a contemporary Japanese woman's experimentation with meta-autobiography / door Atsuko Sakaki: Working 'Haole' House / door Marie Hara: Performance of self: the autobiographical function of the 'other' in 'Without you I'm nothing / door Elizabeth McDougall: Jumping fences and codes of silence: a horsewoman's tale / door Kristin M. McAndrews: Constructing women as agents of non-change: motherhood and nationhood in Japanese popular song / door Christine R. Yano: Poems / door Juliet S. Kono: Rehearsing revolutions in gender identity / door Ann Elizabeth Armstrong: Valley of the Dolls' House : Split Britches did it with feminism in de sitting room / door Juli Burk: The women of Edward Sakamoto's trilogy: Hawai'i no ka 'Oi / door Justina T. Mattos: Seen and unseen women of Moscow theatre / door Lurana Donnels O'Malley: Tensile strength: Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei, theatrical fusion, and the women of the Western canon / door Laura D.C. Box: The role of women in the traditional theatre of Japan / door Holly A. Blumner: Noh women aloud: finding a feminist voice in Noh theatre / door Matthew R. Dubroff: The gay quarters of Sukeroku : the glorification of prostitution in Kabuki / door Kathy Welch: Poems / door Caroline Sinavaiana.
populaire cultuur
zwarte vrouwen
19e eeuw
20e eeuw

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