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Poor women and children in the European past

CreatorHenderson, John > (ed.)
Wall, Richard > (ed.)
ContributorBourke, Joanna
Publish PlaceLondon : New York
Publish Year1994
WER 4 1994 - B
DescriptionIn deze bundel komt de rol die de armoede speelt in het leven van vrouwen en kinderen aan de. De auteurs besteden aandacht aan de invloed van armoede op het verloop van de levenscyclus, de relatie tussen gezin en demografische ontwikkelingen en aan de graad van armoede. Ook de liefdadigheid, zowel door instellingen als door privé-personen komt aan de orde De bundel bevat de volgende artikelen verdeeld over twee gedeelten: Deel I: Kinderen: Family structures and the early phase in the individual life cycle : a southern European perspective / door Pier Paolo Viazzo: Illegitimacy and the abandonment of children in the Basque country, 1550-1800 / door Lola Valverde: 'Perche non avea chi la ghovernasse' : cultural values, family resources and abandonment in the Florence of Lorenzo de' Medici, 1467-85 / door Philip Gavitt: Between the home and the hospice : the plight and fate of girl orphans in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Rome / door Eugenio Sonnino: The abandonment of legitimate children in nineteenth-century Milan and the European context / door Volker Hunecke. Deel II: Vrouwen: Mothers at risk of poverty in the medieval English countryside / door Elaine Clark: Women, children and poverty in Florence at the time of the Black Death / door John Henderson: The status of widows in sixteenth-century rural Castile / door David E. Vassberg: Never-married women in town and country in eighteenth -century Denmark / door Hans Chr. Johansen: The household position of elderly widows in poverty : evidence from two English communities in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries / door Thomas Sokoll: Poverty, the life cycle of the household and female life course in eighteenth-century Corsica / door Antoine Marchini: Transitions into old age : poverty and retirement possiblities in late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Iceland / door Gísli Agúst Gunnlaugsson en Loftur Guttormsson: Widowhood and poverty in nineteenth-century Nottinghamshire / door Sonya O. Rose: Avoiding poverty : strategies for women in rural Ireland 1880-1914 / door Joanna Bourke: Some implications of the earnings, income and expenditure patterns of married women in populations in the past / door Richard Wall.
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