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Exile and gender I

Subtitleliterature and the press
CreatorBrinson, Charmian
Hammel, Andrea
Contributor[et al.]
SeriesYearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies
Publish PlaceLeiden
Publish PlaceBoston
Publish Year2016
PagesX, 251p.
WER 54 2016 - B
DescriptionThis volume focuses on the work of exiled women writers and journalists as well as on gendered representations in the writing of both male and female exiled writers. The contributions are in English or German. The seventeen contributions set out to both celebrate and critically examine the concepts of gender and sexuality in exile in a wide range of texts by well-known and lesser known authors, and throw light on many different aspects of gendered authorship and gendered relations. The volume also looks at two bibliographic rarities: exile newspapers intended for and directed at a female readership. Table of contents: “Exemplary Lives”? Thoughts on Exile, Gender and Exile Writing / Katharina Prager: Gender and Kindertransport Memoirs / Andrea Hammel: Anna Seghers und die Moderne: Positionen aus der Expressionismusdebatte und den großen Exilromanen / Christine Ujma: Masculinity and Femininity in Anna Seghers’ and Bodo Uhse’s Mexican Exile Narratives / Trinidad Marín Villora: Carl und Alice Zuckmayer in Vermont: A Gendered Perspective / Birgit Maier-Katkin: Die Suche nach dem Ort: Veza Canettis Erzählung „Toogoods oder das Licht“ / Rosa Marta Gómez Pato: „Man wird, was man war erst ganz in der Emigration“: Veza und Elias Canetti in der Emigration in England ? Geschlechtererfahrung in Leben und Literatur / Ester Saletta: Lisa Fittkos Flucht- und Exilgeschichte: das Heldenhafte der Menschlichkeit / Montserrat Bascoy Lamelas: Lili Körbers Roman Die Ehe der Ruth Gompertz als Zeitroman mit Elementen der Dokumentarliteratur / Amira Zmiric: Henris Hämorrhoiden: Politik, Geschlecht und Homosexualität in Heinrich Manns Die Jugend des Königs Henri Quatre / Benedikt Wolf: “So frech möchte ich auch sein”: Brazen Women in Robert Cohen’s Exil der frechen Frauen / Hiltrud Arens: Vicki Baum’s Exile Novels / Rose Sillars: “...a healthier atmosphere than that of exile”: The Fictionalisation of Resistance in Hilda Monte’s Posthumous Novel Where Freedom Perished (1947) / Jörg Thunecke: From Germany to England: Girls in Exile in the Works of Judith Kerr and Irene N. Watts / Aine McGillicuddy: Un-/Doing Gender in Exile Children’s Literature: for example Lisa Tetzner’s Children’s Odyssey / Wiebke von Bernstorff: Österreicherin im Haushalt: The Periodical of Austrian Domestics. Überlegungen zu den Arbeits-und Lebensbedingungen der österreichischen Hausgehilfinnen in England / Veronika Zwerger: Frau in Arbeit: A Newspaper By Women for Women in British Exile / Charmian Brinson

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