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More power to her: how empowering girls can help to end child marriage

More power to her: how empowering girls can help to end child marriage

CreatorWarner, Ann
Stoebenau, Kirsten
Glinski, Allison M.
Publish PlaceWashington
Publish Year2014
Description'There are almost 70 million child brides in the world today, and more than 15 million girls marry each year. Around the world, there are a number of programs and many organizations that are working to prevent child marriage and provide support to married girls. In 2011, the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) published a review of evaluated child marriage programs, identifying five promising strategies. Having made this initial assessment, ICRW and partners wanted to know more about how these programs had worked in specific contexts and particularly to understand how approaches that focused on girls themselves led to positive change. .To do so, ICRW collaborated with four organizations to conduct case studies of four promising programs that utilized, in whole, or in part, girl-focused approaches. The overarching research question was: If and how did these programs empower girls, and how did this process of empowerment transform child marriage-related attitudes and practices? This paper presents the main findings from these four case studies, and shares recommendations for the field on how to build on these promising approaches.'
Thesaurusgearrangeerde huwelijken
21e eeuw

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