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Becoming a woman in the age of letters

CreatorGoodman, Dena
Publish PlaceIthaca
Publish PlaceLondon
PublisherCornell University Press
Publish Year2009
PagesXI, 386p.
Illustrationill. : foto's
VS 54 2009
DescriptionTaking as her inspiration a portrait of an unknown woman writing a letter to her children by French painter Adélaïde Labille-Guiard, Goodman challenges the association of women with love letters and proposes a counternarrative of young women struggling with the challenges of the modern world through the mediation of writing. In this book the author enters the lives and world of these women, drawing on their letters, the cultural history of language and education, and the material culture of letter writing itself: inkstands, desks, and writing paper. Goodman follows the lives of elite women from childhood through their education in traditional convents and modern private schools. . .Although many women, from major novelists, painters, and educators to schoolgirls and their mothers as well as Parisian tourists and other shoppers, come to life in this book, Goodman focuses on four bodies of epistolary work by little-known women: the letters of Genevieve de Malboissière, Manon Phlipon, Catherine de Saint-Pierre, and Sophie Silvestre. These letters allow Goodman to explore how particular girls of different social positions came to womanhood through letter writing. The analysis of more than one hundred illustrations - from paintings by major Dutch and French artists to inkstands and writing desks, stationers' trade cards, and manuscript letters on decorated paper - is integral to Goodman's argument.
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18e eeuw

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