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Ageing in a gendered world

Subtitlewomen's issues and identities
CreatorJudd, Karen > (ed.)
[et al.]
ContributorPotts, Lydia
Publish PlaceSanta Domingo
PublisherUnited Nations. International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW)
Publish Year1999
PagesXII, 391p.
WER 39 1999 - B
DescriptionBijdragen over de (financiële) positie van oudere vrouwen wereldwijd en hoe regeringen hun beleid hierop afstemmen. Bevat: International initiatives on ageing / door Antony de Bono: Women and old-age income security in the United States / door Laura Katz Olson: Women in the development of the Japanese welfare state / door Misa Izuhara: Women's pensions and the impact of privatization in Britain / door Jay Ginn en Sara Arber: Life-cycle income and motherhood: simulations for British women of the 1990s / door Hugh Davies, Heather Joshi en Romana Peronaci: The effect of disadvantages in early career on later career outcomes: a Canadian case study / door Isik Urla Zeytinoglu en Caroline L. Weber: Gender-based barriers to career development in Australia / door Russell Rimmer: Caring women, cared-for women: the discourse of care-giving in Italy / door Isabella Paoletti: Reaping what you sow? Older women, housing and family dynamics in urban Mexico / door Ann Varley en Maribel Blasco: Family support systems and older women in sub-Saharan Africa / door Irene Zeilinger: Older women in transitions in Estonia: continuing care-givers / door Silva Tedre en Taimi Tulva: Old age, gender en marginality in Peru: development for the elderly / door Fiona Clark: Caring for the care-givers: challenges for Italian social policy / door Giovanni Lamura, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre en Massimo Mengani: Gendered aspects of caring for older persons in Europe: policy data requirements / door Tatiana Sikoska: Identity, culture and older women / door Noeleen O'Beirne: Silencing the voices of older women / door Rachel Siegel: Gendered living environments for the elderly in Turkey and Sweden / door E. Olcay Imamoglu en Vacit Imamoglu: Navigating in unknown waters: Canadian widows negotiating relationships / door Deborah K. van den Hoonaard: Age, migration, gender and empowerment: older migrant women in Europe / door Gail Wilson, Helen Cylwik, Angela Grotheer en Lydia Potts.
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